I think these are the craziest mid-term elections that I have ever experienced and I have seen a few.
I have never seen such anger and such ignorance but also such deceit and outright unethical behavior on both sides.
When watching the daily news, I mute the commercial breaks because I cannot stand the negative ads and the attack ads anymore. Hell, I can’t stand watching the news anymore with all the political bullshit that is reported.
My phone starts ringing at 9AM sharp and continues till evening. These “robo calls” try to hit some emotional nerve that will influence how a person votes. This morning the message told me that as a conservative, pro-lifer I should vote for only one person since the others are dirty pro-choicers; it assumes who I am? The call can backfire because pro-choicers would then know who not to vote IF they gave a shit about that specific issue which is not the issue at hand; the economy is.
The IGNORANCE factor always amazes me but in this election it is huge. Every one is ANGRY and they should be; things are not the way we like them – we want the good ole’ days back. But how do you channel that anger? Well, unscrupulous people are channeling it for us.
JOBS is a big issue but the facts are that most of the job losses occurred under BUSH and when Obama was elected, job losses started diminishing and now we are actually creating more jobs. So why blame Obama for job losses? - Ignorance and misdirection.
I agree that Congress needs to be shaken up but sending ignorant bozos to fix it is not going to work either; in fact things may make things worst.
What is quite obvious is that somebody or some entity is pouring millions of dollars into this election to shake things up and people only spend money IF they can get a ROI (Return on Investment) which means they have a plan in mind. This reminds me when Bush and the NeoCons decided to attack Iraq ; they manipulated Congress and the American people into making it happen; I smell the same thing happening here.
It smells like somebody setting up the country to make a PALIN run for the presidency a reality. Since Palin is a dizzwad and can be manipulated like Bush was, that shadowy entity will have control of the country – again.
The Tea party Movement is starting to take shape and the people are starting to take some recognizable form and what I am seeing is not pretty at all.
I am already looking past the elections to the battle ahead because these elections coming up Tuesday are and will be a joke but VOTE anyway; it’s your civic duty!