An interesting note about Sarah Palin came to my attention recently. Seems Michelle Obama has been trying to influence the child obesity problem which is huge (no pun intended) in this country with every one out of three kids OBESE.
Michelle Obama stressed the need for more nutritious school lunches and the need for parents to make sure their kids eat healthy foods and for God’s sake, EXERCISE!
Well to Palin this is big government telling us how to be parents. Palin said “Just leave us alone, get off our backs and allow us as individuals to exercise our own God-given right to make our own decisions.”
Palin went out of her way to visit high schools to hand out cookies to students to make her point.
Is this not the biggest dumb-ass you have ever seen? - And obnoxious as they come.
Even fellow Republican candidate for the presidency in 2012 Mike Huckabee had to gently tell her that she is full of shit; he had a weight problem as a child.
Even the Wall Street Journal (as Right as they come) had to admonish her to maybe pick issues that are real and not something all Americans agree with; our children, hell we also, are too fat and because of this pandemic obesity, diabetes is decimating our ranks and causing the cost of health care to sky rocket…and Palin thinks we should do nothing?
Palin is trying so hard to be a populist right-winger that she has lost sight of reality here in America . She is such a good parent that her daughter was screwing her boyfriend right under her nose. Maybe she should look to her own parenting skills before she attacks Michelle Obama for suggesting parenting skills could be improved in this country.
Everyone agrees that selling high calorie pop in school is plain stupid and feeding kids nothing but pizza in school is also plain stupid so why is Palin against trying to make school lunches healthier? Does she honestly think that this will happen without government intervention? It hasn’t so far and we keep on getting fatter by the day.
Ladies and gentlemen, this will be our Republican candidate for president in 2012.
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