Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pope Benedict Resign?

English: Pope Benedict XVI during general audition
Image via Wikipedia

I have just read an article that talks about Pope Benedict and how tired and run-down he has become to the point where he no longer even talks to visitors, etc.

This is unfortunate but predictable for someone that will be 85 in April. He is supposedly in good health, both physically and mentally and genetically too; he has an older brother that is doing quite well.

The interesting point to all of this, is that the pope himself has said that when a pope can no longer do the job that is required of him, he should resign.

I have checked and Vatican law does allow for a papal resignation for cause; the last one to resign was Pope Gregory XII in 1415 and that was not for ill health but to end The Great Western Schism where a number of popes claimed the papal throne.

Also, I think Benedict was alluding to the physical state of the last pope which was pretty bad and painful to watch as he tried speaking when clearly his physical condition prevented him from doing that in a normal manner.

So will Benedict be the first modern pope to resign and retire? Our presidents do with no problems but would it be a problem when a pope does the same?

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