Monday, July 02, 2012

CATHOLIC CONTRACEPTION issue in local paper...

Sunday, July 01, 2012

To:         The Canton Observer
Re:         “Attacking religious freedom”, Letter to the Editor, June 28, 2012

In the letter “Attacking religious freedom”, June 28, it appears that  yet another letter writer seems to confuse our First Amendment right to practice whatever religious faith we wish without any government interference with imposing our religious beliefs and practices on others who may not share our beliefs and practices.

Catholic institutions service Catholics and non-Catholics. They also employ Catholics and non-Catholics and therefore are public institutions run by Catholics. As institutions that service and employ a variety of individuals, some who may even be non-religious, they are bound to respect and follow the laws of the land that govern such institutions.

The new Obama health insurance rules governing certain employers mandate coverage for specific health related issues which happen to include paying for contraception (birth control pills, etc.).

Catholic leaders preach against any and all means of contraception and have for some time now and that is well and good as long as they demand obedience to their views from their fellow Catholics and not of non-Catholics or non-religious individuals  and that is why churches such as the Catholic Church,  are not bound by rules such as the new healthcare rules but as institutions that cater to and employ non-Catholics, they are bound by the same rules and regulations as all similar institutions are.

To accuse President Obama of attacking religious liberty in general and the Catholic Church in particular, is patently absurd and speaks to the ignorance and confusion of many people who believe their religious freedoms are under attack while at the same time do not recognize the freedom of others not to be bound by someone else’s religious beliefs; yes freedom from religion is a right!

The Catholic bishops, who are behind this campaign of misinformation and blatant deceit against the Obama administration, should concentrate on convincing their own membership to follow their pronouncements on contraception since most do not, instead of trying to force their beliefs on non-Catholics or Catholics that do not subscribe to or follow the Vatican’s unrealistic and misguided views on contraception.

Janusz M Szyszko

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