Sunday, October 28, 2012


Billy Graham and his Evangelistic Association have blown millions of dollars again by placing full-page ads in all the major newspapers in the land.

I believe that the interference of religion in our current elections is unprecedented in our history as a nation even as our laws state that religious organizations receiving tax free status from the federal government cannot / are not permitted to endorse political candidates or proposals…who’s gonna stop them…

Billy Graham’s church called Mormonism a cult until just a few weeks ago when it decided to change their opinion seeing how it would be viewed as hypocritical since they are endorsing Mitt Romney.

The ad urges people to vote for biblical values and what the hell are biblical values? You can find whatever values you want in the Bible so Graham must mean vote for the values that Graham believes are in the Bible.

Graham also urges people to vote for the side that supports the nation of Israel as if Obama does not? Christians have persecuted Jews for killing Jesus for thousands of years but now realize that at the end of times according to the Bible, Jews and their nation are required for Christians to realize nirvana at the end of times so we hate Jews but need them, so protect Israel? What a bunch of horseshit!

Making this election as a war between the religious and the secular heathens is a smart move even though most Democrats are also religious; they are just not stupid religious.

So really, Graham is trying to paint this election as between conservative evangelicals and liberal Christians and not between Republicans and Democrats and their competing economic ideas; it’s about social issues as it always is.

If the Democrats get in power, they need to revoke tax-free status of all religious organizations that have interfered “illegally” in our elections and that is most of them and that will be a great way of collecting more taxes without raising taxes.

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Thursday, October 25, 2012


Recently I have caught myself yelling, no swearing at the TV and the people in all those political commercials…I don’t think it has ever been this bad or maybe it is just me getting less tolerant in my old age; the robo-calls I will leave for another time.

The political ads insult everyone’s intelligence but obviously not everyone’s intelligence because there is proof that attack ads work…so there must be people that get their “facts” only from political ads on TV…

They are so supremely misleading if not totally false and use the “basest” of tricks to get you to believe they are telling you the truth like using local politician, people in uniform and teachers; people that do not lie?

The opposing ads are trying to point out the blatant lies but I think people will believe what they want to believe no matter what the truth may be.

Proposal 2 union ads are pretty bad, telling you the proposal is about collective bargaining that somehow affects our security and well being when in fact it only gets union workers higher wages and more benefits THAT WE HAVE TO PAY!

They don’t tell you how they plan on changing our constitution to make unions and their workers untouchable by us the voters or the legislature we elect to control excessive union demands.

How about that old lady in Proposal 4 saying that her care is dependent on the passage of this proposal when in fact it’s a unions grab at getting money from home healthcare workers who do not want a union, they don’t need a union, they only make $8 / hour and need every penny out of that wage.

The union says they will do a background check on home healthcare workers which will protect the elderly they serve and for that they want life time dues?  Medicaid already has a plan in place; there is no need for the union…its all about the union and how much money they can make off this proposal.

And what about ole’ Matty Moroun and the bridge proposal… He has a teacher in an ad saying she has not met a kid that needs a new bridge…excuse me but what the fuck does education have to do  with a new bridge?

In fact, the hundreds of jobs that would be created building a new bridge would bring in much needed tax money that would help the state fund better education.

I hope to God that people actually buy a newspaper and read the “facts” about each proposal and NOT listen to those lying ads.

YES on Proposal ONE (1) and NO on the rest………………………..

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A senator from Indiana (Richard Mourdock) caused a national commotion when he, as a conservative Christian, stated that even a pregnancy resulting from rape was the will of God and cannot be aborted since all life is a gift from God.

In his defense, I can state that Christianity or at least some Christian denominations, believe that God is all knowing, all loving and nothing happens without God having a hand in it so if you are taught that as a fact of life and believe it, you will make statements like the good senator made.

The senator, like some Christians but not all, believes that conception is not a mere uniting of sperm and egg, but something beyond nature and biology, something divine. In that mode of thinking, even conception from rape or incest must be something prescribed by God.

To many liberal Christians, the sex act and resultant pregnancy is a biological event, nothing more, nothing less. Yes you still thank God for making the pregnancy possible and call the resulting infant a gift from God but you really never deny the fact that it was still an act of nature and if you have trouble conceiving, you see a doctor to help that act of nature happen and not a religious minister or priest.

Talking to some of my Christian friends about this particular issue, the subject of EVIL came up and does one believe in the existence of evil or not.

If one believes that God is all good and controls everything that happens, you have a problem with a loving God allowing evil to happen and that has been a dilemma for you and people that hold those beliefs.

Rape to many, is an act of evil and if it results in a pregnancy, many can see why the victim would want to abort that pregnancy, not wanting to associate the product of that pregnancy with the evil crime; forcing that victim to deliver the baby would be a crime against her person as a human.

For this reason, our Founding Fathers made strict laws keeping religion and government separate; your religious beliefs should not cross over into government laws that apply to all of us. If you want to have religious laws govern your life and behavior, that is OK but you cannot apply your religious beliefs to those not holding your religious beliefs; the rest of us.

In this election coming up, we have an obvious and definite choice between political parties when it comes to religion and government.

The Republicans call for a small federal government that does not intrude into people’s lives and yet they want their religious beliefs to govern us all…I see that as a problem.

There are many reasons people prefer one party over another but as much as I align myself with conservative Republican economic theory, I cannot allow my vote to support a party that is trying to force their religion on me and my family.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

ROMNEY: Flip-Flopping is my plan and it will work...

For anyone that watched the last debate between Romney and Obama, you may have noticed that Romney tended to agree with Obama on most issues. This may seem strange to people who remember hearing Romney disagree with everything Obama said not too long ago.

The obvious Romney strategy has been to talk tough at the beginning so as to get nominated and then moderate his views as the election approached so as to appear like a moderate not unlike Obama and therefore acceptable to the general electorate and not just to radical Republicans.

It is a good plan even if it requires a lot of flip-flopping on issues and I think the plan has taken the Obama people by surprise.  The Obama camp developed a strategy to oppose and challenge Romney’s extreme views but now Romney suddenly says I don’t hold those views anymore.

The Romney strategy is quite slick and many pundits say that positioning himself as a moderate blurs the difference between the two candidates except that one is white and one is black.

If you say that his injecting race into the campaign is absurd I say that if Romney is willing to boldly lie about his views on issues, he is capable of surreptitiously injecting race into the campaign without seeming to do so; he is after all pretty smart and slick even if he doesn't act that way.

Romney obviously wants to be president in the worst way and he is willing to flip-flop at the drop of a hat and promise everything to everyone…to me that is not presidential material but works great if you are a con artist.

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Monday, October 22, 2012

BILLY GRAHAM'S Illegal endorsement...

I was a little surprised at seeing a FULL PAGE ad in my Sunday paper that features Billy Graham (94) telling Americans how to vote this November.

Normally it is illegal for any church or religion that has tax free status by IRS law, to support any specific candidate or party in an election.

Many religions and their leaders do support political candidates and parties but our government doesn’t have the balls to rescind their tax free status when they violate IRS rules.

It appears that Billy Graham and his Billy Graham Evangelistic Association chose to break the law and get into politics big time although ole’ Billy is a little long in the tooth and may not be an actual participant in this illegal activity, but his son Franklin III runs the show now and he is known for his controversial sayings, beliefs and ideas.

The ad states that this is the most critical of elections because we are dealing with “profound moral issues”.

Graham “strongly” urges voters to pick the candidate(s) that support the biblical definition of marriage as between a man and a woman, is pro-life and defends our religious freedoms.

Graham says that “The Bible speaks clearly on these crucial issues” and that we must turn our hearts back to God.

Our Founding Fathers would cringe at this ad. They did everything in their power to separate religion from state, knowing full well how dangerous the mixing of religion and government is and has been throughout the history of the world and here we are in 2012, mixing religion with government despite all the warnings.

He calls for defending our religious freedoms as if they were somehow under attack when the truth is that our freedoms FROM religion are under attack as religion is being forcibly thrust into our lives by telling us how we should live our lives and whom we should marry.

I hope other religious leaders will stand up and condemn this blatant intrusion of religion into politics as un-American and more in-line with the Taliban model of religious government controlling people’s lives.

I hope Old Billy wakes up and smacks his idiot son upside the head because the legacy that Billy has created is being severely damaged.

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Another subject that I feel needs some clarification because it is so divisive among us is the issue of Confederate Monuments, why they ...