Saturday, January 12, 2013

INAUGURATION BENEDICTION: Not by anti-gay minister...

Rev. Louie Giglio, founder of the Passion Conferences of Atlanta, was invited to deliver the benediction at President Obama’s inauguration but due to an “anti-gay” sermon he gave 15-20 years ago, he withdrew his acceptance so as not to cause a stir and detract from the inauguration ceremony.

In his sermon in the mid-1990s, Giglio did call homosexuality a sin and said that the healing power of Jesus was the only way out of a homosexual lifestyle.

Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League quickly jumped on the issue and said Obama should swear on a copy of Marx’s Das Kapital book instead of the Christian Bible since the Bible calls homosexuality a sin and Marx was an avowed atheist and the father of Communism…

The debate quickly heated up and was covered on all the major news networks.
It appears Obama had nothing to do with the controversy and actually asked the Inauguration Committee to reconsider but the damage was already done.

There are a number of sides to this issue and a big one is that Giglio’s sermon was from such a long time ago and no one asked Giglio if he still held those views about homosexuality; an important question since many people have come to accept the fact that people are born homosexual and do not choose to become homosexual since choosing a homosexual lifestyle is a very absurd premise.

Many Christian denominations now believe that the Bible (Old Testament) does not specifically call homosexuality a sin (or abomination) and we all know how anybody and everybody can always interpret the Bible to suite their own viewpoint.

I guess the big question is should an anti-gay Christian minister give the benediction at the inauguration of a Christian president who is not anti-gay…I think not and so Giglio was right to decline the invitation.

As to Donohue (who is such an ass), he exemplifies the bad and stupid side of American Catholicism, the side that blindly follows Vatican pronouncements, no matter how absurd they are and thinks their Christianity is the only “true” and “correct” Christianity…and you wonder why so many Catholics are abandoning their faith?

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