Sunday, June 08, 2008

Suffering is just part of natural life - so get over it!

Let’s finish the why good people suffer under a loving god theme…

John the Baptist, Jesus and St. Paul were all apocalyptic prophets in that they preached an imminent coming of a new kingdom of god where the wicked will be punished and the good rewarded. The message morphed into a communist like manifesto where the rich and powerful were lumped into the group that will be punished in the new kingdom of god.

Obviously, the kingdom did not come but only Paul was alive long enough to realize that fact and as a result, he started changing the message.

The early Christians made Jesus into a god that loved his people and cared deeply for them and if you prayed to him, he would answer your prayers. This transformation of a mean Old Testament god into this gentle, caring god ensconced into the mind boggling absurdity that is the Holy Trinity, that is giving Christians such a hard time with the reality of suffering in our time under the watchful eye of this loving, caring god.

Yes, some Christians still anticipate the end times (Book of Revelation) and some blame suffering in today’s world on some demon / Satan influence, and still others just don’t allow their thoughts to see a conflict.

For the few Christian people that search for an answer, an explanation may I propose that there is no answer or explanation. Since religions and their gods are a creation of human minds, they are bound to have errors of logic and reason especially the old religions that have gone through numerous transformations as times changed.

Some suffering (war) can be controlled, others (natural disasters) cannot; we should just accept that as part of our life on earth and not look to the supernatural for answers.

I am most comfortable with viewing life as precious and fleeting and therefore to be lived to the fullest. Much can be accomplished in one’s lifetime and I tend to dwell on that more and more as I get older.

We will leave upon our deaths only memories and the continuation of things we started while here on earth and we will be judged as to the success or failure of our lives by those remaining after us, here on earth.

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