Saturday, February 14, 2009

ECONOMY: The politics of the STIMULUS PKG.

I have been bombarded from the Left and the Right about the recently passed STIMULUS PACKAGE. The bulk of the criticism is coming from the Right as expected but I noticed the Democrats using it to attack sitting Republican Congressmen that voted NO on the package as most of them did.

I received a political phone message telling me to call my representative (McCotter – R) and urge him to support the stimulus package because it is good for us, etc……assuming that all in Michigan are FOR the stimulus package and therefore want to throw all anti-stimulus Republicans out of office.

I have written at length about our economic crisis and what can and cannot be done to bring us out of it but I don’t like some of the “politics” behind the current discussion.

I noticed on the Daily Show with Jon Steward that the show’s guest John Sununu, a former Republican Congressman, was railing against the deficit that the stimulus package will create and all the democratic pork in the package BUT he fell silent when the host asked him about the billions spent on a failed Iraq War and why is there no outrage about that? He asked why he supported helping Iraq with billions and billions of taxpayer dollars but somehow cannot support bailing out his own country?

I think Republicans and other right-wing nuts that supported Bush and all the shit he caused, should be reminded EVERY DAY that they fucked up big time and that the new administration now has to fix their screw-ups so their credibility is a big issue and maybe they should not talk so loud!

Another issue I find troubling in some of the Right-wing diatribes making it into my reading pile, is the bringing up non-economic issues like religion and abortion. I may agree with a conservative view of the economy and what should be done BUT I am not a social Neanderthal spouting Dark Age bullshit. When I see that in an otherwise semi-intelligent view of our economy; it negates the entire argument.

Even though I may eventually oppose the Stimulus Package as a Welfare Package, I don’t feel comfortable in the group that agrees with my view. There has to be a place between the Right and the Left that will allow common sense, secularism and a progressive mind set. I will keep looking.

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Another subject that I feel needs some clarification because it is so divisive among us is the issue of Confederate Monuments, why they ...