Thursday, April 19, 2012

VAGINA MANGER: War on Women is on...

More Catholic outrage to report on… I was watching the Daily Show with John Stewart which I highly recommend to people that watch too much FOX bullshit news, when he went on a rant about the WAR ON WOMEN that Fox ignores but keeps pushing the war of Christmas, War on religion, War on Christianity but never a War on Women when there is absolute proof that the Republicans want to put women where they belong; under men’s heels.

One of the BIG issues on the War on Women is all the state laws that are being passed by the Republicans that mandate extremely invasive procedures for women seeking a “LEGAL” abortion even though the procedures have nothing to do with the abortion but are designed to intimidate the women and punish them physically for seeking an abortion in the first place.

One picture that Stewart showed was of a naked woman with her legs spread and a small nativity scene / statue blocking her vagina; a “vagina manger” so to speak.

For that the Catholic League is threatening to boycott the show’s advertisers which are many if he does not apologize. He probably will apologize even though he should demand the Catholic Church apologize for all their sins that are much worst than displaying an image with a message.

The “Vagina Manger” is the same as wearing a religious medal or a crucifix for protection from evil. Since Republicans with the blessing of the Catholic Church deem it appropriate to perform unnecessary, punitive physical invasions of the female body such as that of a “transvaginal ultrasound” then why not put a religious symbol at the site of the invasion as a means of protection…wonder what MARY would say about that?

It is so fucking HYPOCRITICAL of the Catholic Church as well as all the right wing twits at FOX to spin the news the way they do yet object when someone points out their goddamn hypocrisy.

I will keep watching the DAILY SHOW WITH JON STEWART as I have been for years BUT now I will make it a point to support all his advertisers!!!

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