Friday, August 31, 2012

REPUBLICAN NAT. CONVENTION: Lying their asses off...

Listening to all the bullshit emanating from the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, I still am amazed at the level of pure bullshit and lies that are accepted these days.

How easily it is to forget that it was President BUSH that created the enormous deficit and he was absolutely supported by fellow Republicans in Congress at the time, including RYAN in creating that deficit with his massive spending for two wars, one of which was not even necessary. And NOW the assholes are blaming Obama for the deficit!

Did you not think it was funny or even rude not to invite George Bush to the convention? Was he not the Republican president for EIGHT fucking years? What’s the problem boys? Don’t want people to remember that it was BUSH and his Republican congress that led us into this financial quandary?

It was Republicans that got us into this mess and now they want to get us out of the mess they created? Romney and Ryan have no idea how to create jobs because no one has, at least Obama is trying against a Republican Congress that opposes any and all his efforts.

I guess I am just pissed at the blatant lying by the Republicans and at all the people that are buying into their lies because they would rather believe in the lies than in proven facts.

Up next will be the Democrats and their lies.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

MICHIGAN: NO on ALL Proposals...not good for us!

Here in Michigan, we have a slew of proposals that people are trying to get on the ballot in November and all of them are trying to make a mockery out of our democratic system of government, in my opinion.

I have seen proposal signature collectors (who are paid per signature) approach people with come-ons that are deceptive as hell; who would not sign when told the proposal will protect Michigan jobs, or save the environment, etc.

The big point to remember when discussing any proposal is the fact that each proposal WANTS TO BE ADDED TO OUR STATE CONSTITUTION.

What that means is that the proposal will become a constitutionally mandated law which means it cannot be voted down or changed or touched in any other way except by another constitutional amendment which is hard as hell to do and can only be done by another voter proposal.

What I am saying is that the people behind these proposals want to take the matter out of the hands of our governor, our legislature and our courts; they want their proposal enshrined in our constitution, never to be challenged and that is plainly undemocratic and a ruse upon the people of Michigan.

I don’t care what the proposal is about, I care that it is trying to get into our state constitution and once in there, it is untouchable even if it is bad for the people of Michigan.

Why would people try to get proposals that may be bad for the people of Michigan into our state constitution?.. because the proposals are good for someone or some group and not necessarily the people of Michigan.

Take for example the proposal to get 8 new casinos built in Michigan (4 in Detroit). Obviously the owners of the casinos would benefit and also the owners of the land that the casinos would be built on.

Do we need more casinos? Well you may agree or disagree with that question but the proposal will take choice away from local communities and constitutionally mandate that these casinos will be built in your community whether you like it or not…get my point?

At present, our constitution prohibits the building of casinos without a vote of the people; all that will change with this proposal.

The many people that signed petitions for this proposal were told the proposal will create thousands of new jobs and that cannot be bad in our economy BUT it takes away a community’s right to say if it wants a casino or not in their backyard…so:

VOTE NO ON ALL MICHIGAN PROPOSALS…they are not in your best interest!!!

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Monday, August 27, 2012


I have always hated the fact that I don’t have a party to represent me; neither the Republicans nor Democrats have policies that I totally agree with and some of their policies I really detest.

I don’t think I am the only one that feels this way because recently I have been seeing articles where business leaders who love the Republican approach to the economy, cannot stomach the absolutely insane policies on social issues and don’t know how to handle the disparity.

Many have to hold their noses while they vote Republican but why does it have to be that way.

In Romney’s case, he was always a businessman first and behaved with responsible business acumen. He was also a social moderate and through the years was known as pro-choice, pro gay marriage, etc.

But to be nominated by the Republicans for the office of president, he had to flip-flop and compromise his principles on social issues and insult his own intelligence to get down in the mud with radical right-wing religious nut cases.

In his defense, Romney did stand up for abortions in cases of incest and rape and repudiated the views of a fellow Republican that talked about legitimate rape and how women are able to prevent pregnancy after rape through some natural female ability to control pregnancy?

Romney’s running mate Ryan, who has always been anti-choice in all cases, flip-flopped and said that Romney’s views are “going in the right direction”.

This extreme flip-flopping by both Romney and Ryan has me concerned that they cannot be trusted to do what is right in their own minds but constantly keep changing their positions to placate this or that group of voters, supporters or sponsors…

I realize that politics demands some degree of flip-flopping and a need to please everyone but there has to be a limit and the fact that Romney/Ryan don’t seem to have a limit on flip-flopping, I cannot trust in anything they say and cannot, in good conscience, allow them into a position of power where I have no idea what they actually stand for when it comes to social issues and what they are willing to allow once in power.

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

RUSSIA: No protests allowed...

You may have ignored the news out of Russia that three members of a female punk rock group called PUSSY RIOT were arrested and now sentenced to two years in prison for “hooliganism, driven by religious hatred” but I think this may actually be a very important story for the way these three young women were treated by the authorities may in fact spark a people’s revolution in Russia; why should the Middle East have all the fun.

I have been hearing from my Russian business colleagues that Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, has maneuvered himself politically to become a virtual dictator in Russia while still insisting that Russia is a democratic country.

As with any dictatorship, free speech is not something that is tolerated especially when it is used in opposition to the dictator and his dictatorship.

Three members of a female punk rock group demonstrated in the Christ the Savior Cathedral by performing what they called a punk prayer to the Virgin Mary to save Russia from Putin.

Why hold your protest in a cathedral of all places? Well there was a reason and it had to do with the support Putin is getting from the Russian Orthodox Church and the church, according to reports, has a lot of influence in Russia.

It is ironic that under Communism, Russia was officially atheist and the church was suppressed. Now the pendulum is swinging the other way, all the way back to Tsarist Russia where the church had enormous political power.

Putin is a smart fellow and he knew full well that getting the church’s support was fundamental to his rise in power and his imposition of dictatorial rule. People in Russia feel that if the church says Putin is OK, he must be OK and what he is doing must be right and for the good of Russia.

I have to point out here why our Founding Fathers insisted in having the principle of separation of church and state inserted into our constitution. They knew the lessons of history where church and state united to take power and here we see history repeating itself in modern Russia.

In Russia, the church and state are formally separated but because most Russians see themselves as Orthodox Christians, the Russian Orthodox Church is for all intents and purposes, an official national entity.

So it seems nothing has really changed in Russia from the good ole’ Communist days; free speech apparently is still outlawed but in this age of the internet and instant communications from and to anywhere in the world, squashing free speech will not be an easy task and will not be tolerated by people for too long.

Putin is being criticized by people and countries around the world…let us see how he handles this issue and lets see how his people react to his handling of the issue…interesting times…

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Friday, August 17, 2012

KWAME KILPATRICK: Just playing the system...

Our notoriously corrupt bad boy ex-mayor of Detroit, Kwame Kilpatrick was in town to face some federal bribery and corruption charges with his father and best buddy as co-defendants.

The Detroit news ran a story by Orlandar Brand-Williams and Joel Kurth today titled: KILPATRICK: NO FAIR TRIAL IN CITY; Former Detroit mayor tells journalists he’s been demonized as the source of the city’s problems (Friday, August 17,2012). The article is the source for my information; comments are my own.

Kilpatrick held a “freewheeling” 2 hour discussion with the National Association of Black Journalists because he wants the world to know that his persecution is a racial thing and he will play that race card every chance he gets.

The ex-mayor who was convicted for lying under oath and is called by many a lying sack of shit, told reporters that he never took a dime from anyone and was not corrupt at all and that the federal government is on a witch hunt with their silly 38 count indictment charging him with running a criminal enterprise.

He did take the blame for his mother’s re-election defeat (Representative Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick) noting that the media treated her unfairly but not that the voters saw her as a failed mother and person for bringing up such a corrupt and unprincipled son. Let us not forget that his father and her former husband is facing charges also…nice family.

Kilpatrick did not have anything good to say about the current mayor, Dave Bing, saying the mayor is “detached from the community” and does not have a “force of personality” like obviously he had when he was mayor…and that is why the city is in the mess it is in?

I am glad someone asked him what he thought of the city as ready for a white mayor which he said was a “plantation question” and demeans minorities which I don’t quite understand but knowing how he plays the race card, I feel he believes that only a black mayor is appropriate for the city while acknowledging that the potential white candidate, Mike Duggan, is qualified for the spot; Kilpatrick and Duggan came out of the same political machine that spawned many a public figure.

As to Kilpatrick not being able to get a fair trial in the city I can only say that judging from his warm and enthusiastic reception in the city, all he needs is to plant one sympathetic juror and a mistrial is guaranteed and he knows that and the judge knows that and that is why the judge is keeping the jurors out of sight…is that legal?

Kwame just got a fourth lawyer appointed to his team of tax payer funded expensive legal beagles…is that legal? He has also guaranteed himself a very credible reason for an appeal by saying publicly that he does not trust his lawyer and cannot work with him…could that be their strategy to keep him out of jail?

Kilpatrick stole millions from the tax payers and those same tax payers are now paying to keep him out of jail…is this ironic or what…only in Detroit!

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Another subject that I feel needs some clarification because it is so divisive among us is the issue of Confederate Monuments, why they ...