Saturday, August 11, 2012

DETROIT BASHING: There are good reasons for it...

If I am going to be called a Detroit Basher let me ask some questions to determine if Detroit deserves bashing…

Kwame Kilpatrick, Detroit’s most corrupt mayor who stole millions from his city, was in town for his upcoming trials on corruption. A large crowd of Detroiters gathered around him and cheered him on?

Yes, he stole from the citizens of Detroit but yet, many consider him a hero and would elect him mayor if he ran again and he knows that.

He stole millions yet we the taxpayers, are paying for his high priced legal team because giving him a regular public defender would not be fair to him? WTF?  For you that don’t know what WTF stands for it stands for What the Fuck. How about him paying his own legal bills with all the money he stole!

Recently, one of Kilpatrick’s henchmen was tried for corruption and with overwhelming evidence against him, the trial was declared a mistrial because one Detroiter on the jury just would not convict him and that is why Kilpatrick is smiling so much; he can’t get convicted because all he needs is one sympathetic Detroiter on the jury that thinks of him as a hero and damn the evidence.

The Detroit Water Department has 1,978 employees, keeps raising rates because it cannot control costs and has been implicated in various corruption schemes was recently audited by professional consultants who declared that the entire department can run efficiently with 374 employees. Do you see a problem here?

Mayor Bing is making big promises to the citizens of Detroit how he will fix everything that needs fixing in the city like the lack of public lighting just as soon as the state of Michigan / Michigan taxpayers give him the money to fix things.

Knowing how utterly incompetent and corrupt city government is, why would anyone give him even a penny?

And for those that criticize me for advocating an emergency manager for communities that are heading for bankruptcy as trying to take away their democratic rights to decide their own fate, I just point to Judge Silvia James of Inkster, Michigan.

She was revealed to be running a corrupt courtroom for years, violating all sorts of laws and ethical standards and the Michigan Supreme Court threw her off the bench for gross misconduct.

And what do the idiots in Inkster do…they basically re-elect her to the bench…WTF?

Brings to mind the saying THE MASSES ARE ASSES.

So if your democratic rights are temporarily taken away by a emergency manager it is only because you were incapable of handling your affairs in a proper and responsible manner and now a responsible adult manager has to fix your screw-ups.

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