Tuesday, August 14, 2012

PAUL RYAN: A Good Choice?

So will Paul Ryan, Romney’s choice for VP help or hurt his chances at getting elected president of the United States?

That is a hard question to answer at this point in time, one can only guess but there are factors one could look at right now.

Ryan is a young, smart, good looking candidate. He is a little cocky and sometimes rushes to judgment a little too quickly.

He is a finance wiz supposedly and has put forth a few plans at reforming our finances; some of those he has taken back and modified.

I like some of his ideas on taxes, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security but the Democrats will hammer away at only one theme: that Ryan wants to take your Medicare and Social Security and privatize it meaning he wants to mess with your retirement security. This is only partly true but both parties are lying through their teeth so I would not place my trust into anything EITHER party is saying.

To me, the economy is very important but neither Romney nor Obama have a perfect plan on fixing the economy, they can only do what they are allowed to do by Congress and I am against either party being in full control of Congress. I want checks and balances to prevent either party from inflicting too much damage on the country.

I am concerned that Ryan is a Roman Catholic conservative just like Santorum is and that does not bode well for moderates or liberals; Ryan and Romney could set the country on a backward path into a religious dark age where many of our hard won freedoms would be repealed by the judges they would appoint to the Supreme Court.

And it is for this reason that even though I believe Romney/Ryan can do better for our economy and even though Romney is really a moderate, I think he has sold his soul to the dark side (anything to win) and will even go against his better judgment to placate the fundamentalist right.

I am hopeful that Obama will learn something from Romney/Ryan’s economic plans and ideas and modify his socialist stance on getting the rich or so called rich, to pay for his plan on shrinking the inequality gap in the U.S.; Communist Russia tried it and failed miserably; a gap will always exist so start facing reality and quit trying to create a utopia.

I have voted for Republicans before based solely on economic issues but I just cannot bring myself to do it this time since I believe the far right is just too far right and I cannot take the chance.

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