Monday, August 27, 2012


I have always hated the fact that I don’t have a party to represent me; neither the Republicans nor Democrats have policies that I totally agree with and some of their policies I really detest.

I don’t think I am the only one that feels this way because recently I have been seeing articles where business leaders who love the Republican approach to the economy, cannot stomach the absolutely insane policies on social issues and don’t know how to handle the disparity.

Many have to hold their noses while they vote Republican but why does it have to be that way.

In Romney’s case, he was always a businessman first and behaved with responsible business acumen. He was also a social moderate and through the years was known as pro-choice, pro gay marriage, etc.

But to be nominated by the Republicans for the office of president, he had to flip-flop and compromise his principles on social issues and insult his own intelligence to get down in the mud with radical right-wing religious nut cases.

In his defense, Romney did stand up for abortions in cases of incest and rape and repudiated the views of a fellow Republican that talked about legitimate rape and how women are able to prevent pregnancy after rape through some natural female ability to control pregnancy?

Romney’s running mate Ryan, who has always been anti-choice in all cases, flip-flopped and said that Romney’s views are “going in the right direction”.

This extreme flip-flopping by both Romney and Ryan has me concerned that they cannot be trusted to do what is right in their own minds but constantly keep changing their positions to placate this or that group of voters, supporters or sponsors…

I realize that politics demands some degree of flip-flopping and a need to please everyone but there has to be a limit and the fact that Romney/Ryan don’t seem to have a limit on flip-flopping, I cannot trust in anything they say and cannot, in good conscience, allow them into a position of power where I have no idea what they actually stand for when it comes to social issues and what they are willing to allow once in power.

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