Saturday, December 01, 2007

Christmas / Winter Solstice?

Well, it’s December 1st so let’s get on to some Christmas stuff.

Around our water cooler someone brought up the fact that they did not like some of the Christmas music being played because it was not truly “Christmas” music, you know, about Jesus and his birth.

The music picked out as especially irritating was the type John Lennon sings, you know, peace and love during Christmas but no Jesus.

Every year I remind the Christians that historically, no one knows when or where Jesus was born although historians are pretty confident it was not in Bethlehem and not on December 25th.

The occasion that the whole world celebrated and celebrates at this particular time is the “Winter Solstice”; the time when the days start getting longer not shorter also known as New Year. This celebration, as natural as the rotation of the earth, was celebrated way before there was a Jesus.

In fact, the Christians plopped their Jesus’ birth celebration on top of the Solstice celebration for specifically to downplay if not marginalize the natural albeit pagan celebration of the winter solstice / New Year.

And every year, it grates the hell out of me that those same Christians complain that THEIR holiday is being taken over by hedonistic pagans bent on only having fun and not paying homage to the birth of the world’s savior.

Since I am having a very nice French? Vodka on the rocks while writing this, my irritation may be slightly amplified.

I will not bore you with the historicity of the celebrations at the end of December but I will take exception to the music complaint. If Jesus was all about “love thy neighbor…” why object to Christmas songs touting peace and love; it would seem very Christian to me.

I feel kind of sorry for Jesus because if he was here he would just shake his head at all this nonsense going on and tell everyone that he was a Jew and remained a Jew till the end. His whole mission was about reforming Judaism and who in the hell are all these bloody Christians and what in the hell have they done to his name and legacy.

Anyway, that’s my first Christmas rant; more to follow…

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