Wednesday, July 14, 2010

DETROIT: Same old shit!

Well, there seems to be a lot of stuff to rant about these days but let me start with a common thread I have had for a long time now and that is Detroit and its black culture of corruption and incompetence.

Recently I have seen a glimmer of hope with the election of a serious and competent mayor in Dave Bing and I had high hopes for the NEW Detroit City Council which seems to be genuinely interested in resurrecting the city and helping its inhabitants, at least those that are left. Well, I spoke too soon…

The story begins with the totally corrupt and inept and now, perverted Detroit Public School Board. I have called for the abolition of this elected body of crooks that have enriched themselves on the backs of poor school children for decades. The call went out to allow the mayor of the city to take over the school system.

Many citizens of Detroit agreed with the idea of the mayor’s office being in charge of the school system and signed petitions to do just that (30,000+) which required voter approval at the nearest election date. Well, it seems that the City Council needs to approve the measure before it goes on the ballot and they are saying NOT SO FAST. Some on the council are saying the issue is DEAD – WHY?

It appears that the black culture of corruption and incompetence is a hard animal to kill. Logic dictates that the school board, for all the damage it has done to the city and its children, needs to be put out of it’s misery and logic also tells us that the voters of Detroit can’t seem to elect an honest board because maybe only the dishonest people vote?

One objection is that the mayor may get too much power and the city council does not like that; they want some power too? Some decry the loss of citizen power to elect a school board yet they advocate not putting the referendum on the ballot so citizens can vote their preference?

I smell the same ole’ culture of corruption and incompetence smelling up the city again this time by the poor council members (literally financially poor) asking what is in it for me, what do I get out of this; hell with the children of Detroit – and so it goes, on and on and on…

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Another subject that I feel needs some clarification because it is so divisive among us is the issue of Confederate Monuments, why they ...