Monday, November 15, 2010

ECONOMY: Can Congress do what it must to cut spending?

Voters in 2010 were all about controlling runaway spending which they blamed on Democrats whereas the Bush administration with the help of Congressional Republicans did most of the spending, but since voters are stupid and can’t remember, the Republicans now claim they have always been against unnecessary spending of tax payer money; they are all about reducing the deficit.

To show you how full of shit politicians are (both parties), pay attention to what happens to suggestions of a White House BIPARTISAN commission that was formed to address the ever growing federal deficit by cutting the federal budget.

We all know what we must do to stay healthy economically; cut our spending or make more money. The same applies to the federal government; cut spending or raise taxes or both.

So far, everyone that has read the draft proposal has attacked it and that means from all sides so I urge tax payers to at least become somewhat familiar with the proposal because it could change our lives IF it were ever enacted and that, because of politics, will never happen and that is our problem.

The proposals step on a lot of toes or shall I say areas that were “sacrosanct”; never to be touched like a tax deduction for home mortgage interest. I have enjoyed that deduction all my life since I have always (until now) had a mortgage but I would be willing to see the deduction be applied only to mortgages of $500,000 or less.

How about Social Security? You saw how the French idiots burned cars and attacked buildings just because Sarkozy raised the retirement age from 60 to 62. My full retirement age is 66. The commission is proposing raising the age gradually to 68 in 2050 and 69 by 2075. I don’t see a problem here as we stay healthier and productive longer with each generation.

Medicare spending needs to be controlled and the first place to start is controlling fraud which costs billions a year.

How about the Pentagon and the billions it spends without any real oversight. Defense spending has always been untouchable even though reports of $300 hammers and $1,000 toilet seats have surfaced throughout the years; it needs to be touched big time.

How about Congressional Earmarks? The proposal is to permanently ban them! Don’t know what these are? Well, it is what we send our Congressmen to Washington for; to bring home the bacon or bring back to the state, the taxes that the feds collected from us; this is the “bridge to nowhere” I talked about before.

Congressmen are allowed (the more seniority the better) to earmark federal funds for projects they want done in their state even if it is a bridge costing millions that goes nowhere. This is what we call “pork” and it costs the country billions and in many cases, for projects that are worthless but put money into pockets that help the Congressman or woman get elected and keep getting elected.

The anti-spending Republicans already said NO; we want our earmarks. Tea Party people promised to get rid of earmarks. Will they have enough balls to actually stand their ground? President Obama is for banning earmarks even though his Democrats love them as much as the Republicans do.

To ban earmarks would be to change the political landscape in Washington or change the way Congress has always acted. This will be a huge issue.

There are many other proposals to get the country back into fiscal shape and it will be interesting to see what the NEW Congress does with them if anything.

Note: The members of the Commission making these drastic but necessary proposals are all old and don't give a shit what voters or the public thinks; they are willing to actually tell the truth unlike active politicians.

Update: Some Republicans are saying yes to banning earmarks?

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