Saturday, November 13, 2010

POST 2010 ELECTIONS: What have we done?

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg opening ...Image via Wikipedia
Well the election is over or nearly over, Murkowski still has to win in Alaska but for all intents, it is over; now what?

Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York City, said: “If you look at the U.S., you look at who we’re electing to Congress, to the Senate – they can’t read. I’ll net you a bunch of these people don’t even have passports. We’re about to start a trade war with China if we’re not careful here, only because nobody knows where China is. Nobody knows what China is.”

Bloomberg was warning Americans to quit blaming the Chinese for their country’s problems.

He is correct. All through the elections, candidates were using buzzwords such as China, spending, deficit, bailouts – all guaranteed to get people mad but with no rationale why they were making people mad – ignorance and spin prevailed.

Bloomberg was also saying that we may have elected a bunch of yahoos to Congress.

Some Republicans are saying that they could have won the Senate if it wasn’t for Tea party candidates like O’Donnell who were so bad that no sane voter would ever vote for them even though they wanted to “throw the bums out”.

The economy and the job market, tanked under Bush and the Republicans. Under Obama, the economy and the job market is slowly improving BUT he is being blamed for the failures and as things improve, watch as the Republicans take credit for bringing us out of the depression; timing is everything.

There is no question that things in Washington had to change but will they? The Tea Party people were screaming at cutting spending, cutting earmarks that spent millions on bridges to nowhere BUT the Republicans have already stated in unequivocal terms; earmarks are staying!

That’s politics for you; say anything, promise anything to win but keep doing the same old shit!

I guess the next two years will be a total stalemate in Washington where nothing of consequence will happen but you bet the positioning for the 2012 presidential elections will start in earnest.

Lets hope the current Congress will not do something stupid before the new guys take over in January.
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1 comment:

  1. 100 Senators
    435 Congressmen
    1 President
    9 Supreme Court Justices
    545 People directly, legally, morally and
    individually responsible for the domestic
    problems that plague the other 310 million
    people in this country.

    All divided by party lines.
    545 people unable to think for themselves.

    You get the Government you deserve....



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