Wednesday, November 03, 2010

ELECTION 2010: Michigan Results...

Finally no more mind-numbing political ads and annoying political robo-calls!

The day after the elections in Michigan, the results are not surprising because they have been predicted a long time ago but there were a few exceptions.

Rick Snyder easily won the governor’s seat and that was the most important to me. The Republicans took the offices of Attorney General and Secretary of State which is OK since those offices are usually stepping stones to higher office and don’t carry much weight.

I was delighted that in my neighborhood an irritating woman running for State Representative (LEVI) lost to the Democratic incumbent (SLAVENS). Levi was a typical Tea Party “opportunist” that spouted off the usual buzz words that I had to challenge in the local paper because I felt I needed to; hope that in a small way, it helped defeat her (letter in the blog).

I was also glad to see PETERS win over the annoying RACZKOWSKI. Ole’ Rocky has tried running before and has been shot down every time. This time the Democrat Peters basically ran as an independent and I think that gave him an edge; Raczkowski just seems a little crazy to me. I think Rocky believed he could ride the Republican tsunami into office but he ran into a smart opponent and maybe voters that actually gave some thought to their vote.

There are some observations about this election that I feel merit mentioning.

Bernero was supported by big money from the unions (UAW) and the brains of Bob King himself (president of the UAW). Bernero was also supported by the black pastors of Detroit (Bernero's running mate was a black female) who usually are courted by candidates as they are supposed to control Detroit votes. Well – all their efforts were for naught.

Snyder even refused to debate Bernero in Detroit which is a snub to the pastors and voters of Detroit but they vote Democratic historically anyway since Democrats give them state money that they then proceed to steal or mismanage.

This is monumental in the history of Michigan politics; you don’t need Detroit and you don’t need union support to win.

Unions in Michigan cannot deliver votes anymore which means that even union members do not follow the advice of their union bosses which I think has been going on for some time now. I hope Obama hears the message loud and clear; you don’t have to kow-tow to the unions anymore because they are impotent!

I am looking forward to see what the Republicans will do in the state of Michigan to improve conditions; it should be quite interesting.

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