Saturday, April 02, 2011


Second round of the French presidential electi...Image via Wikipedia
With my mother in and out of the hospital lately, not much time for blogging. Hopefully, we can get her stabilized and return to some semblance of normality in our daily lives.

Here is a quick union note: a bill passing through Congress wants to change the language as to how airline unionization can occur.

Right now, a clear majority of airline employees are needed to establish a union or to not establish a union. The new language calls for all airline employees to be counted in the vote with the ones that did not vote counted as a no vote.

In the U.S. people can vote or not vote; it’s their option. If we counted the people that chose not to vote as “NO” votes, would that be fair and/or democratic?

I will have to say NO, that would not be fair. Elections to me are counting the votes cast with the majority winning the vote…period.

The president has threatened to veto the bill as it is presented and I can see why.

I would consider the language in THIS bill as definitely anti-union and unfair and therefore I am against it…see?
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Another subject that I feel needs some clarification because it is so divisive among us is the issue of Confederate Monuments, why they ...