Friday, September 23, 2011

UAW AT FORD: Workers a little too arrogant...

Alan Mulally, President and CEO, Ford Motor Co...Image via Wikipedia
Now that the UAW is going after Ford instead of Chrysler, the headlines are beginning to fly. Basically, Ford workers want a “richer” deal than GM workers got. Please remember that Ford CAN be struck, unlike GM and Chrysler.

In TV interviews with Ford workers leaving their plants, all the ones interviewed were arrogant, demanding and even threatening…we better get what we want or else.

They are pissed that their leader Alan Mulally got a real big bonus…only for saving your stinkin’ jobs dudes! They are even more pissed that white collar workers got some wages and bonuses restored…but they had a lot taken away from them and they do actually design and engineer the cars that the blue collar workers build and if they did a poor job of designing and engineering cars, the cars would not sell and the blue collar workers would have nothing to build and therefore no job and no profit sharing and…

I am not saying that UAW workers should get nothing but the arrogance with which they are demanding much more than GM workers received, is very off putting and will piss off the public even more and bring down even further the low opinion the public has of the UAW and unions in general.

Ford may not have taken a bail-out from the government / taxpayers and has managed to do a pretty good job surviving the great recession but they took a really big hit in the years when cars were not selling at all and YES, the UAW workers AND the white collar workers gave concessions to keep the company afloat AND their jobs in place.

But the company is in debt big time and needs to get that taken care of with continuing profitability which is very questionable now that we know we are heading into a second dip recession where auto sales will stall again.

I will repeat again and again that one thing Ford cannot do is to add to its fixed cost of building autos and that means NO wage increases, NO cost of living adjustments, NO enhanced unemployment benefits, etc. which would add to fixed costs of production which Wall Street does not want to see and Ford worries about Wall Street because Wall Street can make Ford a safe investment again.

Yes, give signing bonuses like GM did and an increase in profit sharing which would not add to fixed costs of production but most importantly, give the workers some job security which should be the most important issue for the workers and not plain money greed.

If we return to the bad ole’ days of UAW greed and Ford acquiesces to that greed and becomes threatened by the possibility of a strike, then Ford must kiss all the hard work its done to stay off the public dole and viable, goodbye and the UAW can kiss its job security goodbye and the workers can stick their demanding arrogance where the sun don’t shine.

Bob King has his job cut out for him…his hair cannot stay jet black forever, unless he colors it to hide the stress.

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