Thursday, December 06, 2012

CHRISTMAS: Bah Humbug !!!

I have been feeling especially pissed this jolly/holly Christmas season.

I have caught myself swearing at the TV set at stories that are supposed to lighten and uplift your spirits. I have had enough at all those do-gooders collecting toys for kids. Kids need food and warm clothes and shoes, they can live without goddamn toys; let them use their imaginations like I did.

Maybe all this do-gooding is really not for the deprived but for ourselves who once a year feel Jesus like and want to do something for the less fortunate and to hell with the rest of the year.

I would actually drop some money in the red kettle if they would stop their infuriating bell ringing and the fact that they preach religion with their offer of help to the needy.

How about all those stories about abandoned or sick dogs and cats that appear on my TV about every day? In this country, we care more about cats and dogs than children and the problem with cats and dogs is obviously all those twits that have to have a cat or a dog and then abandon them; fine their asses for pet abandonment or put them in the same cage with their abandoned pets at the Humane Society.

Maybe I am pissed at our news networks who keep emphasizing those stupid- ass stories instead of giving us the news we really want and need; why all the fuckin’ fluff? Maybe because their polling services have found that we, as a nation, want to hear about bullshit fluff instead of reality.

And the daily phone calls from charities I have donated to but that is not enough, they have to call me to thank me for my passed donations and ask for a larger donation…I tell them to take me off their call list and if I get one more phone call I will never donate to their cause again…why do they call????

My company used to sponsor a family for Christmas until we actually saw the family and I said never again. Our society seems to abandon the rule of personal responsibility for one’s actions and has become a society of misfits that think they can do any stupid thing they feel like and society will support them in their irresponsibility…sorry, I won’t.

Christmas spirit?………..Baaaaaah humbug!!!

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