Thursday, December 06, 2012

FISCAL CLIFF: Both parties are idiots !!!

We have been exposed to and tortured by the battle between political parties trying to avoid going down the “fiscal cliff” that they both agreed to some time ago.

This is not about which party is correct or right in their handling of our economy, it is about the sheer idiocy of our political process.

You would think that the main concern of both parties is our national economy and how it affects the citizens of this country but it is not; it’s all about politics and political posturing which means, believe it or not, the next election.

President Obama is hell bent on taxing the rich. He does not talk about cutting spending or waste, all he wants is more money to spend and the best place to get that money is from the so-called rich ($250,000+).

John Boehner is all about NOT raising taxes on the rich or on anyone and getting the needed revenues by reducing Medicare and Social Security benefits and of course never touching the supreme waste that is our military budget.

Each party has its “sacred” cows that they are unwilling to mess with and damn the American citizen and his or her welfare or their children’s welfare.

President Obama, some time ago, established a BIPARTISAN NATIONAL COMMISSION ON FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY AND REFORM headed by Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson. These were retired politicians so they were not running for office and could actually speak the truth about matters. Please notice that this was a BIPARTISAN commission.

They made recommendations that were hard but they were, according to bipartisan consensus, necessary to bring the economy back on course.

Even though Obama appointed this commission he blew off their recommendations and so did John Boehner; they were realistic recommendations that would aid our economy BUT they were not politically palatable, whatever the fuck that means.

So here you have it; two political parties unwilling to give an inch on their so called economic principles, knowing full well what absolutely needs to be done to better our economic condition.

What do you make of this fiasco that I am sick and tired of hearing about every bloody night?

We have a dysfunctional political system that removes party members that dare to differ from their party’s position, from committee seats and thus ensuring a strict political adherence to whoever is the leader at that time.

We need to return to the time of gentlemen or today to include gentlewomen politicians that were less tied to their party but more to their state and to their country and to the people they represented…shall I call them independents?

We must be willing to elect independents and drop our party loyalty because, as you can see, it has gotten us nowhere.

The two party system is now an official negative influence on our national welfare…something needs to change.

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