Monday, February 01, 2010

ECONOMY: Job creation or charity?

I have heard Obama’s State of the Union speech and I have heard his emphasis on JOBS but quite frankly, I don’t think he and his team really know what to do about creating jobs for Americans; if that is even possible.

I have looked where Obama’s stimulus dollars are going and they are going to “support” existing programs and in fact, they are nothing more than “welfare” dollars with nothing to do with creating jobs.

I will admit that some of those stimulus dollars are “saving” exiting jobs like the State Troopers in Michigan which were laid-off due to budget cuts and that is important and productive BUT giving money to YMCAs around the country or Food Banks or Libraries…

Don’t get me wrong, these are noble institutions but if your aim and goal is to create JOBS, you are missing your target by a mile!

During the Great Depression, FDR tried to create jobs through the government and many of the projects those jobs created are evident today in our national parks, hydroelectric dams etc. He allowed charitable giving to take care of the food banks and support organizations that helped the unemployed and those suffering through the Great Depression.

Even though I voted for Obama, got caught up in his rhetoric and believed that he truly knew what needed to be done and how to do it, I now feel he has bitten off more that he can chew or in other words, trying to do too many things at once.

The economy is paramount and jobs need to be created, hen why is he doling money out to support organizations that will NOT create jobs? He is supporting the unemployed instead of trying to employ the unemployed. I realize that this is a fine line but why should I support food banks with my donations when our government is doing that for me?

I am no economist but some things make sense and others do not and the Obama administration does not appear to know what to do and in fact they are making things worst. My two (2) cents in this matter is spend tax payer money on projects and organizations that will create jobs, even if not permanent jobs, just jobs that will put people back to work and pay them a wage that they can spend and therefore stimulate the economy – kapish?

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