Thursday, February 18, 2010

RELIGION: Just making a buck?

I just read that over 2 million people are expected to view the SHROUD OF TURIN this year; pilgrims are coming from all over the world to get a five (5) minute glance at the shroud that some claim was used to cover Jesus after his death and now has the outline of Jesus’ body (wounds) on it.

Scientists have confirmed that the image on the shroud is a medieval forgery and have carbon dated the shroud to the 13th or 14th century.

But that is not the story; the story is that the Vatican is well aware that this exhibition will bring in money. Money to the Church as well as money to the town of Turin which will benefit greatly from the money the pilgrims leave behind.

Well, this reminds me of the Protestant Reformation where Martin Luther broke away from the Catholic Church mainly for selling indulgences. Briefly, if your mother died and was stuck in purgatory because of some sins she committed, paying $5 to the Church will get her out of purgatory, kind of a “Get out of Jail” card.

The Church also sold relics (bones of saints or dog bones sold as bones of saints) to raise money; having a holy relic, the Church said, would give you that extra intercession power with the Big Guy in the sky.

And look what the Church is doing today; making money off dumb Catholics that don’t know any better and believe they are viewing a truly miraculous cloth that touched Jesus – if only we can touch it and be cured or absolved or maybe just looking at it can transfer Jesus’ healing power through our eyes?

I guess some things will never change and the Catholic Church will continue to peddle its relics as long as its gullible members keep shelling out the dough!

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