Friday, February 19, 2010

TIGER WOODS: Nation of hypocrites?

It is remarkable how much air time the Tiger Woods saga is getting, beating out issues that invariably are much more important but hey, that’s who we are as a nation, we love the sleaze and the networks know it and that’s why they show it – Tiger probably would have preempted Obama.

To me it all boils down to hypocrisy and we as a nation, are rife with it. Just today Benny Hinn (no, not Benny Hill) a televangelist specializing in prosperity gospels was just served with divorce papers by his wife of 30 years. Ted Haggard, the holier than though, anti-gay fire and brimstone televangelist admitted a couple of years ago that he had a gay lover and was also buying drugs from him and the list goes on and on BUT we keep asking for more…

Tiger isn’t a religious hypocrite, preaching one thing and doing another, he is a private person who happens to be a very public golfer who has cultivated a clean image to make millions as a trusted spokesman for about every company on earth.

So who does his hypocrisy affect? Well, first and utmost his wife, children, mother, etc. and after that his image that now is tarnished and unacceptable to some of the companies that use him as a spokesperson.

To us, the public, he actually does not owe an apology or an explanation. Yes, we think less of him but he is one of many that disappoint us by their lurid behavior. As a golfer, he will still be great but now he will be the great, sleazy golfer and women will be after him more than ever knowing he is an easy target and judging by the women he slept with, he will sleep with about anything, the raunchier the better it seems.

So here we are, the most religious nation on earth, so concerned about our values and so judgmental of every one not American and yet we are a nation of hypocrites par excellence!

I have always told my son that they way a man wants and should be remembered as is a “good man” and a “gentleman” who protected and cared for his family – life is short but memories can last forever.

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