Saturday, October 08, 2011

VALUES VOTERS SUMMIT: Religious bozos...

Governor Mitt Romney of MAImage via WikipediaPastor who endorsed Perry on Friday says Romney is a cultist | The Ticket - Yahoo! News:

'via Blog this'

I knew that Romney's Mormon religion would come up sooner or later. Remember that Jon Huntsman is also a Mormon. The religious hypocrites that comprise the so called Values Voters Summit ( I call them that because most of your wife cheaters and airport bathroom perverts come from this group) are above all else fundamentalist Christians but very, very arrogant fundamentalist Christians that have a very narrow and ignorant view of religion.

For some of them to label Mormonism a cult is expected and it has been done many times before. I don't know much about Mormonism but enough to label it strange as far as their historical development goes. This is not to say Mormons are bad people but I will say their belief system is odd when compared to mainline Christianity.

The fact that religion is becoming an issue for the republican candidates means they are that much more off the middle / moderate path that most Americans want to see their presidential candidates take.

Romney states that personal religion choice should not be a factor in the presidential race and I agree BUT here is Romney at the Values Voters Summit which is all about religion and religious values so what does he expect.

I am afraid that poor Romney is neither a religious nut or a "values" nut or even a nutty conservative BUT he wants to run on the Republican ticket and therefore must mask his personal hypocrisy to win the big that does not sound honorable to me and maybe that is why Romney is just not getting the support he thinks he should be getting...maybe you can only flip-flop so many times before people see and feel your hypocrisy.

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