Thursday, November 10, 2011

IRAQ WAR: Obama did not lose the war, it was un-winnable from the start you morons...

Collage of images taken by U.S. military in Ir...Image via Wikipedia
I have started seeing comments from the right about how Obama lost the Iraq war.

An article by Charles Krauthammer titled OBAMA’S ACTIONS IN IRAQ DON’T FULFILL THE MISSION (Nov 9, 2011) blames Obama for losing the Iraq war, something he says, will go down in our history books.

Well unless the Republicans re-write and redact actually history (and that can happen), history will show that the Iraq War was doomed from the beginning because it was based on a lie and a goal that was preposterous.

Krauthammer cannot get over the fact that we lost over 4,000 American troops fighting in Iraq and now we are just going to go away and let chaos take over (civil war). He cannot stand the thought THAT AMERICAN LIVES WERE LOST FOR NO GOOD REASON.

Krauthammer blames Obama for not leaving an American force in Iraq to protect what has been achieved; the façade of peace and only a façade since all parties are just waiting for us to leave before they start their inevitable civil war.

He says we have troops in Korea, Japan and Germany so why not in Iraq…please do not compare WWII to OUR invasion of Iraq.

We left troops in Korea to help South Korea protect itself from a potential attack from the North which is still a real possibility to this day but today S. Korea can protect itself and with N. Korea having atomic capability, our troop presence there is no longer a deterrent but a huge, worthless expense.

Japan will not start another world war so having troops there is only to have a presence in the area mostly as a deterrent to potential Chinese aggression.

Troops in Germany were to balance NATO against the Warsaw Pact which no longer exists; Russia is not about to invade Europe so we really don’t need 54,000 troops there but it seems we need a base there from which to deploy in a timely fashion but even that rationale does not hold water since we have other fast deployment forces on U.S. soil that can get anywhere in the world fast. The Air Force hospital in Wiesbaden, Germany treats the wounded coming out of Afghanistan but we don’t need 54,000 troops to man the hospital.

What Krauthammer wants is for our troops to maintain peace among the three warring parties in Iraq ad infinitum and also to keep Iran out of Iraq ad infinitum…bullshit!

It would have been easier and would have spared thousands of American lives if we kept Saddam Hussein in power because he hated Iran and kept the peace between the warring Iraqi parties.

What U.S. mission in Iraq; it was a huge waste of time, money and lives and we need to cut our losses and get the hell out of there and let someone else take care of the region like Saudi Arabia and the Arab League. Let them spend some money and lose some lives; why in the hell is it always us.

We have sacrificed a lot during Bush’s Iraq folly and history will record that the sacrifice was for naught. Let Bush and all his Krauthammers tell the mothers, wives, sisters, brothers, fathers and children of all that lost their lives in Iraq that they lost their lives for nothing and THAT is what history will record and it is exactly THAT fact which they will have to take to their graves.

I am sorry your conscience bothers you about what happened in Iraq but don’t blame it on anybody else but your own sorry ass for starting the worthless war.

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