Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Sister Farley: Sexual Ethics conflict...part 2

Back to Sister Margaret Farley and her book on Christian Sexual Ethics.

As I mentioned in my opening blog on this subject, the renowned Christian ethicist was calling for a renewed examination of sexual ethics based on new knowledge and understanding of human embodiment and sexuality and defended her views as coherent in theological and moral traditions… but what do it all mean???

The subject of sex and religion is a touchy subject to be sure and especially if you were raised Catholic. I was taught by nuns during grade school and during high school so I got the full blast of Catholicism, point blank range.

I usually did not pay much attention to the nuns and made fun of most of them as silly penguins but a few I respected. One was a chubby advanced English teacher who pulled me aside and told me to read A CATCHER IN THE RYE, even though it was banned in my school for sexual content. She knew the book was great for boys like me; she understood something about males at my age and I thank her for it.

Another nun brought me into the world of music, dancing, singing and acting; nothing that I do now but at the time it was a great experience and I will cherish that time always. She directed boys and girls in the throws of hormonal change with care and understanding. I have heard she left the nunnery due to conflicts in attitudes about issues, I am sure…

My nuns were dressed like penguins and observed a very rigid code of conduct and were indoctrinated from an early age in the ways the old men in the Vatican wanted them indoctrinated; to listen, obey and serve even if some of them did not totally agree with the Catholic position on certain issues. I guess those nuns were either kicked out or left on their own accord.

The new nuns, that I do not know much about, except that they mostly dress normally with some unrecognizable as nuns are exposed to the real world because many work in the real world and not in a convent and because of that, develop a sensitivity to real human problems.

I firmly believe that we would never have had a priestly sex scandal and cover up if nuns were in authority…and yet they are being silenced by the Vatican…maybe for a reason?

Catholic boys of my time were told that if they masturbate they will go blind and it’s a sin and you will have to confess it…really?

It appears that the pope and the Vatican still reside in that age of sexual naïveté of little boys commanding all to obey their avowed authority on all maters sexual even though they hold no knowledge or experience about such matters; repeating the same old, tired and senseless rules they call Catholic Teachings and Theology.

What makes matters even worst is the fact that most Catholics do not follow or even listen to their babble; they ignore it totally…and the pope and Vatican know this!

And as the Vatican is now saying that Sister Margaret Farley is causing GRAVE DAMAGE to the faithful by her views, I will posit that the Vatican has already done irreparable damage to the faithful by stubbornly sticking to their ill advised and illogical views on sexuality in the midst of developing and changing human sexuality mores, as in banning the use of condoms in countries were AIDS is rampant and so is promiscuity…how stupid can you be.

Anyway, I will explore the boring aspect of how the Catholic Church came to its views of sexuality through the ages and why they are so wrong…in the next blog.

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