Another thing irked me in that Obama / O’Reilly interview before the Super Bowl…O’Reilly said that a judge in Florida ruled that the Obama Care health bill was unconstitutional so what is he going to do about that…duh.
Some Republican lackey judge in Florida ruled the health care reform bill was unconstitutional because the government cannot force citizens to buy health care insurance. Well we can force citizens to buy auto insurance so why not health insurance.
I understand that the auto insurance mandate is a state thing but there is nothing in the Constitution addressing mandatory health insurance for all and as for precedent rulings by the Supreme Court in the past, they don’t count since the Supreme Court makes up its own constitutional rationale as it plods along.
The fact that the Republicans and FOX’s O’Reilly have nothing better to attack the health care reform bill with is pitiful and asinine; they don’t have anything better to propose so they just say NO to everything that Obama proposes.
Obama has said that the bill to reform health care is negotiable and should be discussed soberly and changed where a change is warranted but to scrap the whole thing for stupid politics is simple not in the best interests of the American people who deserve a better health care system.
The fact is that mandating coverage for all citizens just makes sense. The poor are already covered under MEDICAID and the elderly are already covered under MEDICARE.
Many are covered at work by their employer so all that is left is the uninsured who are either the working poor and cannot afford expensive coverage or the assholes that would rather keep visiting the hospital emergency room since they know they cannot be turned away.
I have written about this issue at great lengths throughout the years and am convinced that mandatory health insurance is a must if we are to bring down health costs but for that mandate to work, people who refuse to abide by the law must be punished severely. I don’t mean putting them in jail but some punishment must be applied to them to make them want to enroll because not enrolling will hurt them in some way.
The other point that must be addressed and that was a problem in Massachusetts where the plan is in affect, is that people cannot enroll when they get sick and drop the coverage when they get well…no, no that will not do…remove that option and just make them enroll once and stay enrolled for life.
We can force citizens to buy auto insurance because driving is a privilege, not a right. If people do not want to purchased health insurance that is their right. If they want to purchase it after they get sick, they should have to pay for all their missed coverage. If they can't afford this--TOUGH LUCK(a concept that liberals cannot seem to comprehend or accept).