Thursday, February 17, 2011

WISCONSIN: Battling the public unions...

I don’t know if any one is paying attention to what is going on in Wisconsin but they should.

Wisconsin elected a Republican governor (Walker) and a Republican legislature to clean up the economic mess in the state and that is exactly what they started to do with first (as in Michigan) getting the public union workers on the same pay and benefit level as workers in the private sector.

First, they eliminated collective bargaining rights which mandated compulsory arbitration when both sides failed to reach an agreement. This is total bullshit since the unions will keep voting down all proposals until the stage for compulsory arbitration is reached and then they get their way and the hell with the taxpayers.

Also, public workers will have to pay half their pension costs and contribute 12.6% to their health care coverage.

Well, all hell broke loose in Madison, Wisconsin with schools closing because teachers were protesting the legislators (get it…no school because teachers did not show up for work). Hundreds of them screaming and yelling for days (get it…no school so you have to take off work to watch your kids because the teachers are not there).

The governor was adamant about passing the legislation and he had the votes but…

The chicken-shit Democrats left the state and could not be found by the state police because the constitution in Wisconsin states that at least one member of the opposing party has to be in the chamber for a vote to occur…can you believe this shit!

Ohio has a governor that wants to do the very same thing and Michigan Governor Snyder has similar intentions…

Let the revolution begin…we need some anti-union protestors to show the legislators that they are not alone and that they were elected to do just what they are doing so don’t worry about the screaming union meemies; they are not the majority of voters in the state they are just the loudest.

Lets see what happens in Michigan
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