I don’t quite understand this hubbub about the Wisconsin victory against the unions.
First, just because you don’t like the outcome of a legal vote in a legally elected legislature, it does not give you the right to try to overturn the legal vote by illegal means. I haven’t liked many votes that went against what I wanted to happen; did I go nuts and try to forcibly change that vote?
You can either live in this country and abide by its democratic rules or you can get the hell out; there is no other option; you can only change things by democratic means.
It appears unions and union workers do not understand the democratic process. They feel if they make enough noise and disrupt things enough, things will miraculously change in their favor. These are delusional people who have always had their way and now cannot understand why they cannot have what they want.
This is akin to the behavior of small children who don’t know how to behave because their parents don’t know how to discipline them…a swift kick in the ass should show them how to behave and that is exactly what they got in Wisconsin .
These brats are screaming that people are trying to destroy the middle class and I am saying that they are not the middle class, they are only in the middle class category by intimidation and vote buying; people in the real middle class get there by hard work and not through union clout.
I am dismayed by the total ignorance of non-union people about what this fight is really about and it has nothing to do with worker rights but everything to do with privileged, corrupt unionists who have screwed the tax payer for many years and want to continue to screw the taxpayer while riding their gravy train and I say the ride is over.
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