Wednesday, November 07, 2012


Yesterday, I raged at the nerve of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for placing a full page ad in major newspapers the day before elections, ranting about how Obamacare is mandating contraception coverage in all health insurance packages which they feel is attacking their freedom to practice their religion as they see fit.

In essence, the bishops were supporting Mitt Romney for president and that is illegal for institutions that get tax free status from the government.

Today, the day after the elections and an Obama victory, another full page ad appeared from the bishops basically ranting about the same ole’ shit BUT this time making it very clear that they are talking to BOTH DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS so they are not endorsing either…get it?

The law clearly states that religious organizations cannot support any specific candidate by urging their followers to vote for that specific candidate or even party.

Did the bishops get a little scared by criticism from people like me which they think may get them in trouble with the IRS?

Or are they now trying to get Catholics and religious conservatives of each party to see that compelling businesses to add contraceptive coverage to their health insurance policies is somehow an attack on religious freedom?

Its hard to see what their motivation is but whatever it is, it is a position that needs to be challenged by people like me that realize their (the bishop’s) position against contraception is an unnatural position and against the demands of humanity (as in being human) and therefore against our human rights as citizens of a human society which we all belong to as opposed to a limited Catholic society.

Catholics have every right not to use contraceptives but if they are employers, they have no right to keep contraception coverage from people that want it covered by the employer’s health insurance.

The bishops are trying to say that Catholic employers have a duty and a freedom to practice what their religious conscience dictates and again I say that they as individuals can practice whatever their conscience commands them to do but they cannot impose the will of their own individual conscience on others.

The irony in all of this is that the bishops are calling for protection of their religious freedom but yet negate and trample on the freedoms of their employees whether they are religious, secular or humanistic.

It is time the bishops started behaving like citizens of the United States and not some idiotic Vatican goons trying to impose their views on fellow Americans…Catholic businesses are the same as other businesses, they need to follow federal law as to health insurance coverage and keep their personal preferences to themselves.

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