Glad to see that the War on Christmas has begun in earnest;
seems to be getting bigger and better every year.
But Christians have always tried to claim the “holiday” for
themselves as they have tried to claim the whole country for themselves and
felt a right or even an obligation to cram their version of the December celebration
down our throats.
I am referring to the issue of placing Nativity Scenes on
public property. Let me make this point clear; there are absolutely no
restrictions on exhibiting Nativity Scenes on your own property or property
held by individuals that give permission for the Nativity Scene to be displayed
on their property.
What our Constitution says about the separation of Church
and State is that our government cannot endorse one religion over another and
if Nativity Scenes are permitted on government (taxpayer’s) property, it is
tantamount to promoting a specific religion; Christianity.
But many small towns have had a Christmas tradition where
they would allow Christian Christmas displays on public land such as city
halls, town libraries, court houses and other tax payer supported governmental
institutions…why not be satisfied displaying religious symbols on church
Anyway, this year AMERICAN AETHEISTS are using a different
tactic than just objecting to the unconstitutionality of such displays; they
have mounted their own displays, in some cases, right next to the Christian
displays…why not!
This all started in Santa Monica, CA where an atheist group
put up a simple sign right next to a Nativity display that quoted Thomas
Jefferson saying “Religions are all alike – founded on fables and mythologies”
so much for the Christianity of our Founding Fathers and on the other side
“Happy Solstice”.
The principle here is simple, practice your religion on
private land do not use public land that belongs to all, even non-religious
folks and if you persist, they will too.
I love some of the “imaginative” anti-religion displays
being erected.
As for our family, we will have a Nativity Scene under our
Christmas tree as always…its tradition.
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