Thursday, November 08, 2012

MICHIGAN PROPOSALS: Voters not fooled...

The fact that Michigan unions spent millions on deceptive and lying ads trying to pass a proposal that would enshrine union rights into our state constitution (power grab) and still lost and lost BIG, says something about Michigan voters…they know bullshit when they see it!

I think the ads countering union deception were instrumental in educating the public. When unions used cops, teachers and firefighters to support the proposal, the opponents also used cops, teachers and firefighters to counter the lies…so the authority figure ploy failed…and failed miserably…smart thinking.

The use of old people to support the proposal that would force home health workers into unions they do not want to join or pay dues to, also failed. Many of us were pissed that the unions used old people to tell lies about being benefited by the proposal when all along the only beneficiaries of the proposal was a greedy union.

The greedy Ambassador Bridge owner Matty Maroun did not want to lose his rich bridge monopoly to a proposed new bridge to be paid for by the Canadian government and spent millions lying to us that somehow the new bridge was a bad idea when all along it is really a great idea for this state. Once again the voters were not swayed by his bullshit no matter how devious.

Two other proposals that would have changed our state constitution primarily by forcing clean energy use on the state and the other, forcing the legislature to submit all tax increases to the voters for approval; that is just not the way to get things done, also were defeated handily.

Overall I am proud of Michigan voters because they have sent a clear message to special interests trying to trick the electorate, that they will not be tricked…at least this time.

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Another subject that I feel needs some clarification because it is so divisive among us is the issue of Confederate Monuments, why they ...