Wednesday, November 21, 2012

GAZA AND ISRAEL: Time to face reality...

It seems I have been reading about the Israel-Palestine conflict since my early years. I studied the history of the lands in question and all the historical events that have impacted the land and the people, searching for some indication as to which side is right and which side is wrong in this struggle but I don’t think that matters anymore…

The recent Gaza incident where both sides pummeled each other with rockets, mortars and airstrikes is just another example of the absurdity of this whole situation.

The people involved in the current turmoil are victims of history; victims of decisions made many years ago by people no longer alive but the people of today still carry the anger of those people and the same determination of those people to get their land back.

The Palestinians can never return to the land they lost to Israel when their forefathers had to leave or were forced to leave after a very ill advised war on the Jews when they did have the option of sharing that land with the Jews; shooting missiles into Israel will never make that pipedream come true…so why do they do it?

The Jews keep building homes in areas reserved for the Palestinians saying that God gave them the land and they have a “divine” right to occupy it. Sorry but whoever wrote the Bible (a Jew) promised you the land that was not his to begin with. Yes, Jews occupied this land for many historic years but then they left…should the land have remained unoccupied till the Jews decided to come back centuries later?

But who cares at this point, who was there first, etc. we need to deal with the reality on the ground and the real suffering of people, mostly Palestinians and mostly in the Gaza Strip.

The people in the Gaza Strip need to decide once and for all, that they will never destroy Israel and take back the land they still feel is theirs. They need to look to the future and start developing a modern society that will prosper and grow. And to do that they cannot support Hamas and other Palestinian parties that have as their only goal in life, the destruction of Israel.

Once the ever improving missiles of the Palestinians stop being fired into Israel and Israel lifts the blockade on Gaza, life may actually start getting better for the people of Gaza but the onus is on the Gaza Palestinians to start the peace process not the Israelis.

But if they are stupid enough to keep doing what they are doing one Israeli columnist suggested that Israel do what the U.S. did to Japan when Japan would not stop fighting…

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